Sunday, October 30, 2011

Final Post


Final Blog:

The electronic house key concept started out as just a as small gadget with limited features. This idea eventually became a company/business with a headquarters and a product with many different variations and forms. Originally it was just an item to put on your keychain. It had only the option to lock the door. Eventually you were able to open the door and set the alarm. It transformed into a bigger product. It was a smartphone app and a standalone device. This product needs wireless technology to be in the product and in the house/door. There are also needs a security feature that makes sure the correct people are entering the house and not intruders.
I think this product could be useful, but it needs to be thought out more. There needs to be one variation of the product that is focused on. Products/companies don't do as well when there are many options and one is not the clear focus.

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